"Decide Nothing" is now An Ordinary Disaster
name change, Substack memoirist interviews, memoir nearing completion
Name change
I’ve been feeling like it’s been time to update the name of my Substack for a little while now, and after a recent
workshop session I found myself just going for it. The change I made puts the name of the memoir—An Ordinary Disaster—front and center. I’m still plenty fond of the original name (Decide Nothing), the origin of which is explained in further detail in this chapter.Podcast
As I’ve mentioned in previous updates, recently I’ve felt to prioritize work on my memoir over the Brothers and Teachers podcast that I began when I launched my Substack. That said, I was able to complete a series of twenty episodes with a super-fun interview with my favorite pilates teacher, Sean Vigue, and also recorded two in-depth conversations with fellow writers on Substack:
and . While I’ll continue to focus nearly 100% on writing for the near future, I do love to get into it with other writers who are doing personal narrative on Substack, and so if you or someone you know would like to have a conversation like this, please do get in touch ⬇️Memoir close to complete!
My original goal for this year was to complete the manuscript for my book-length memoir by the end of June. I’m happy to say that I’m very close to meeting that self-imposed deadline—and also that it’s going to take me just a little bit longer, because I’ll be on the road in the van spending some much-needed time in the mountains for the coming week, and also because I’ve unearthed some additional material that I want to include in the book. That said, for those of you who’ve been following along, I put out chapter 21 this past week, chapter 22 is ready and will be published on June 28th, chapters 23 and 24 are also already complete and will come out on subsequent Wednesdays, and I have draft material for the final chapter as well as a few that will slot in between 24 and the end.
I’m getting really close! Of course, once I have the manuscript, it will be on to the next part of the book’s journey, and there will be a ton more work—finding an editor, editing, editing, editing… and then seeking publication. I have a couple of possible editors in mind; if you happen to know of one that you think would be a good fit for my work, please let me know ⬇️
My own writing from May and June
Learning how to do good magic in Chile
You can find all the past editions of these monthly roundups here.
Thank you all for your readership and your support! Please let me know you’re out there by mashing the cute little heart 🤍 that means ‘like’
👇🏻 right here…
I love the name change! I just interviewed an amazing, very genuine digital marketer for Writers at Work (coming this Tuesday!) and he mentioned keeping your name as your Substack email (in case you were thinking of changing it—you may already know this), so it comes up more readily in a Google search. Also consider An Ordinary Disaster by / with Bowen Dwelle? I say that because you’re such a presence on here and have name recognition (for me you do). It’s a little weird because it will also say written by Bowen but it will put your name there.
Exciting to see all of this come together, Bowen! An Ordinary Disaster is a phenomenal name. Would pique my interest immediately if I saw it for the first time. Also a title ripe for a movie adaption :)