Here's one for ya Bowen. When I was 18 I’d become pretty competent at parkour. Back then the sport still seemed like some esoteric take on gymnastics mastered by a few French and British nutters. What it meant for me was a bag of impressive party tricks, which meant better chances with women! One evening on the way to a party hosted by a girl I really fancied, I attempted my signature ‘wall flip’ for my friends. Since I’d consumed a hefty amount of vodka, I didn’t complete the rotation and instead smashed my left knee on the pavement. I woke up in hospital with a headache, an obliterated kneecap, and a missed opportunity with a girl who apparently liked me too! My relationship with vodka today is, as you’d expect, non-existent.

Thanks for your piece and hey, at least you came back from the trip with a story to tell in the end. Even if it involved the threat of sepsis… still scary stuff even today.

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