
And: I prepared this in advance, because someone is sure to comment about how there are times when it’s not appropriate to say _everything_. I know, I know. Of course, no single message or bit of philosophy is universally true or useful all the time. Of course there are times when you might not want to “say everything,” or when _everything_ might be too much for the moment. Whatever! A rejoinder is always possible, but that's precisely *not* the point here.


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One thing I value greatly is when someone is DIRECT.

There is no greater show of respect for yourself and the other person when both of us are direct.

Most people have no idea how to do that because we were never taught that.

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Jul 16Liked by Bowen Dwelle

Skip the preamble!!!!! I love it.

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Say everything means “staying on my side” and being open hearted and curious. I do find those times when I want to be judgmental and get over on “their side” about what they stand for and who (I think-cuz let’s be real, it’s my judgment and projection about who they are or might be) they are. My intended response is often “Say more about that” and it’s been unexpected and it takes a little time to share that I generally desire to be curious and know what they consider “weird” with their definition. I am genuinely practicing understanding before “rightness”.

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👆🏻OK, bad example how about Uganda?

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How about saying I’m gay in Gaza?

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You people in that microcosm we call California

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I don’t know if you’re familiar with Bill C-63 in Canada proposed. But there are political prisoners in Canada for saying everything, true story.

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For starters Bowen,let me know what you thought of the Covid response. Do mask prevent transmission and was the “vaccine” safe and effective?

At the moment, I’d like to tell my neighbour to stick his leaf blower up his fucking ass, and maybe raking leaves is one way to combat his obesity.

I would also like to tell some people that you’re not gender fluid you’re fucking gay and I don’t care because I don’t have a cock in that fight.

It’s a nice thought, but the parameters of how that actually fits into reality are very narrow.


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