You nailed my life right here: "I moved through all of these places, hardly stopping long enough to breathe them in, and yet they’ve stayed with me as icons of home. Places that seemed like they could have been my own, in some other life—and then I’d be moving on, and often thinking, “what about this life?”

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Wonderful. Hits the spot, especially the "…selling my business, changing my relationship with alcohol, moving from a first to a second, and now a third career…", which is exactly what I've just done. See me on Instagram and also Substack.

Want to get a cup of coffee some day? I'll be back from this trip by end of October. I built a home in Bolinas in 1971. I'm SF native, now go into city about once a week Best way to contact me is lloyd@shelterpub.com

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It is pretty fascinating how those childhood patterns echo in adult life. I can see how the search for quiet as a child would lead to a kind of absenting later on. Nice to see you recognizing those patterns and beginning to form new ones.

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Beautiful in its honesty and exploration of self-conflict in the idea of Home. Well done my friend and thanks for taking us along on part of your spectacular journey. A houseboat in Sausalito in the beautiful San Francisco Bay is all the exotic travel that some folks might ever need 💪🏻

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Sep 18Liked by Bowen Dwelle

Love this Dwelle. The deeper and lengthy exploration of how home of the past may have directed movements around the home ahead. What a journey and how expansive your knowledge of self has become through your writing. It’s a beautiful thing to watch and your share gets me thinking about my own journey and concept of home. Peace.

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